Humanity’s Kitchen is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization that provides culinary arts training for adults, youth and children.
Humanity’s Kitchen is much more than teaching people a skill to gain employment.
The ultimate goal of the program is to get students to achieve inner personal growth, move from dependence to independence, reinforce personal life changes, change thinking and behavior, which then leads to the ability to gain valuable employment.
We Believe
We believe in the power of inner personal growth to help us overcome poverty, prejudice, and fear. We work to make things whole, and to celebrate and pursue a shared vision of hope and prosperity for all people.
We believe that people of all races, cultures, and experiences can come together to pursue and achieve the common goals of social and economic enrichment, and success for all people.
We believe that community members working together can effectively combat poverty, prejudice, and fear through programs inspired by empowerment, compassion, and the principle of self-help.
We believe that people can have a voice in constructive change rather than being displaced by change.
Together we can be a model for renewal, education, training, and shared success.
We are an approved Trade School by the State of Delaware Department of Education.